  • 企业名称:泉州晋江恒晖印刷器材商行
  • 联系人:涂先生 
  • 电话:0595-85660508 
  • 邮箱 
  • 邮编:361002 
  • 地址:福建省泉州市晋江市世纪大道江滨花园5A14 
  • 纠错
泉州晋江恒晖印刷器材商行(HENG HUI PRINTING EQUIPMENT HHPE.BIZ)是集销售和印刷加工于一体的彩色特种印刷器材专业供应商(自动气动移印机、丝印机、烫金机、热转印机、丝印油墨、移印油墨、百色通油墨、高氏油墨、玛莱宝油墨、阿波罗油墨、烫金纸、移印钢板、移印胶头、丝印网板、热转印花膜纸等)(服务区域包括:泉州,石狮,晋江,安海,龙湖,东石,安溪,南安,永春,德化,诗山乃全国各地)。集特种彩印机械品种及制造经验之大成,积极从事产品表面装饰处理技术的推广应用。在长期的实践中,我们给各行各业的企业提供有针对性的产品表面装饰处理的解决方案。优良的产品、合理的价格,优质的服务,已为广大客户创造了价值。 我们根据客户的需要和实际情况,提供全面的解决方案。以良好的信誉和的服务赢得了良好的口碑。 Quanzhou Jinjiang Henghui Printing Equipment Firms is set sales and processing and printing in one color of special printing equipment professional supplier.(Pneumatic automatic Pad printing machine, screen printing machine, bronzing machine, heat transfer machine, silk screen printing ink, printing ink, Coates Screen ink, Marabu ink, Appollo ink,gilt paper, printing plates, printing plastic head, silk screen printing, thermal transfer printing film and paper etc.)The information provided by Set special printing machinery varieties and manufacturing experience, application and actively engaged in product surface decoration processing technology. In the long-term practice, we give all walks of business of providing targeted products surface decoration processing solutions. Excellent products, reasonable prices, quality services, to create value for customers.According to customer needs and the actual situation, provide a comprehensive solution. With a good reputation and best service to win a good reputation.